So when Larry and I were just new parents (as opposed to the 'seasoned-even-though-we-feel-like-we-are-constantly-screwing-up-our-kids' ones we are now), we talked about adoption. That was almost 7 years ago.
The plan was something like this...have our biological children --- buy a bigger house -- start foster parenting -- adopt any of those kids who needed forever homes.
Today the plan probably looks more like this....have our biological kids (check that one off) -- buy a bigger house OR move to ND then buy a bigger place OR Larry goes to a mission trip and falls in love with a child and we start the adoption program.
See, that's the funny thing about God. He doesn't always agree to work in OUR time frame. Nor does He always decide to let US decide which path to take. We had never even considered international adoption because there are kids in the U.S. that need adopting. And God is changing our hearts.
So anyways, I read Love's blog daily. She's adopted 3 wonderfully gorgeous boys from Uganda. She has 4 biological daughters. Oh, and she's pregnant with twin girls too. Yeah, she's not busy. I would love to visit her house so my boys could be loud with her kids.
Anyways, Love's heart is full of adoption and the stories of families finding their adoptive kids and forever families. She is the one who introduced me to Baby Esther. I knew she wasn't "ours"...but another family KNEW that Esther IS theirs. This family has met Esther and loved on her, and Esther has even spoken her first few words with this family. But now they need help paying for the next part of the adoption because Uganda takes a long summer break for the courts system. And they've received a court date just a couple weeks away...after JUST returning from Uganda.
So, Love is raising money to help this family return to Uganda and bring Esther home as long as the courts think the family is a good fit with Esther. Can you help? Find out how HERE...
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