Sunday, October 2, 2011

Green Chicken Taco Pizza

So I've made a goal with myself about trying to save money by not eating out as much. I know when I buy food to cook, I am more likely to want to stay home and eat. I've also learned to cook as much as I can on the weekend because that way I only have to reheat, or throw a few things together but most of the work is done. Saturday I cooked a whole chicken in the oven with some seasonings we bought from Texas Roadhouse. I also cooked a 6 pound pork roast in the crockpot (that recipe is super tasty).

Today for dinner I used some of the dark meat from the chicken to make green chicken taco pizza. It sounds kinda nasty since the word green is in the title...but oh my goodness was it tasty!

Now, let me give you some back story here...Dalton is a picky eater. He used to be VERY picky until we made some changes. We started eating dinner at the table at least 5 times a week. We started making more foods from scratch and letting Dalton mix them together. We call anything that has multiple ingredients a rice bowl or a burrito bowl because he doesn't like casseroles. (Odd child). We started putting the food ON the table, instead of bringing pre-made plates to the table. Somewhere along the way the boys started setting the table without being asked and are thrilled when I start walking out of the kitchen with food.

So anyways, tonight I used the precooked chicken. I poured half a packet of taco seasoning into the chicken after it was reheated. On top of that I added half a jar of green salsa, then about a cup and a half of water. I let that bubble and gurgle until it was reduced down.

Now comes the really complicated part. Are you ready?

Use pre-pizza crust. I rolled out a tube of pizza crust and smushed (it's a word, just ask me) it around until it filled my pan. I poured on regular taco sauce (which we call smooth salsa). Smooth it around then add the chicken mixture on top. When that's all situated to your liking, cover it with cheese. Take my cousin Shannan's advice and use cheese you shred yourself. Bake according to your crust's directions.

When the pizza is done, cover it with your favorite taco parts -- lettuce, tomato, salsa, and ranch were on our list tonight.

I knew the pizza was a hit when Larry didn't think about having sour cream on it until we were putting the 2nd pizza away.

We're all pretty excited about having leftovers one night this week.

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